There are so many meaningful wedding traditions to choose from to incorporate into your ceremony. Some are ethnic or cultural, and others are universally appealing. You may think of something no one has done that you'd like to include in your ceremony.
The Celtic tradition might be appealing. If that's so for you, consider including a handfasting ceremony in your wedding. One couple with Scottish roots had a bagpiper at their ceremony.
African American tradition sometimes includes jumping the broom, while traditional ceremonies for those with roots in India includes the bride's hands being decorated with temporary henna tattoos before the wedding in a Mehndi ceremony.
One of my favorites to include is my own rose ceremony. And the Unity candle or the pouring of Unity sand to blend a family are both special ways of including the larger circle of family in your ceremony.
I just discovered the Salt Covenant, an old tradition that is being reestablished. And most of us are also familiar with the tradition of the groom breaking the glass by stamping on it to cries of, "Mazel tov!" in Jewish weddings.
The point is that there are many things you can include or create to personalize your own ceremony and make it a reflection of the two of you. I encourage you to consider these when thinking about what tradition or ritual will make your wedding special and meaningful for you.